We are a research group at the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering of Purdue University. Our aim is to develop theory, algorithms, models, and software for large-scale optimization and machine learning with applications in energy, chemical, and biological systems.
We are currently looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and undergraduate students to join the team (more info) !
Can is awarded an ONR grant on machine learning aided global optimization of MINLP.
August 2024Yen-Chun won the fourth place Best Poster Award at the Purdue ChemE Graduate Student Organization Symposium.
August 2024 July 2024Welcome to new visitor Chun-Cheng Chang from China Steel Corporation, Taiwan.
July 2024Can and Prof. Brian Tackett are awarded an NSF EAGER grant on optimization methods for electrochemical production.
July 2024Hao and Gonzalo's OptiChat paper is accepted to INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research.
July 2024Can is awarded a Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Grant.