
July 2024
Can is awarded a Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Research Trust Grant.

June 2024
Can is awarded an American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF) Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) Grant.

June 2024
Abdullah graduated with his M.S. degree in CS and will join Cisco as a software engineer.

April 2024
Can is awarded an Amazon Research Award on supply chain and LLM.

December 2023
Can won the Air Liquide’s 2023 Scientific Challenge.

November 2023
Welcome to new Ph.D. students Sai Madhukiran Kompalli and Akshdeep Singh Ahluwalia!

October 2023
Welcome to new M.S. students Abdullah Khan and Krishna Sri Ipsit Mantri!

July 2023
Hao’s paper preprint, Diagnosing Infeasible Optimization Problems Using Large Language Models, has been available on arXiv!

May 2023
Asha’s new paper, Distributed manufacturing for electrified chemical processes in a microgrid, has been accepted by AIChE Journal!

November 2022
Welcome to new Ph.D. students Hao Chen and Yen-Chun Lu!

August 2022
Dr. Chi Zhang and Dr. Kaiyu Cao joined the group as Postdoctoral researchers. Welcome Chi and Kaiyu!

June 2022
Li officially started his assistant professor position at Purdue.

November 2021
Welcome to new Ph.D. student Asha Ramanujam!

November 2021
Li won the CAST Division Student Presentation Award.